Riley and Steve Hathaway want to change the way young people think and act towards the ocean. Their vision is to “Inspire kids to enjoy and care for the world’s oceans”. Science ideas and ...
Observing and asking questions are essential parts of what a scientist does. Through their observations, scientists try to build more accurate explanations of how the world works. The scientists ...
Water seems to be everywhere in New Zealand. Oceans surround us. There are hundreds of lakes and rivers. Some South Island regions get more than 10 metres of rain each year. We have so much ...
In this activity, students conduct a few simple activities to learn more about surface tension – a liquid’s thin ‘skin’. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: talk about water ...
In this activity, students learn about the surface tension of water by experimenting with bubbles. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: demonstrate the effect of soap on ...
Backyard Battle is a citizen science programme run by Keep New Zealand Beautiful. It gets students, teachers, volunteers and other citizen scientists out collecting litter at key inland sites ...
Seaweek is New Zealand’s annual national week about the sea. It is hosted by the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education and includes a wide range of events, activities, competitions ...
With 75% of New Zealanders living within 10 km of the coast, many students will be familiar with estuaries. In scientific terms, estuaries are the interface between the land and the sea – the ...
Do you need resources for Seaweek? Are you planning a science unit on the sea? In this online PD session recorded on 18 February 2016, PD provider and teacher Barb Ryan explores some of the ...
In this video, Dr Candida Savage, from the University of Otago, talks about how New Zealand’s pristine habitats are like ‘natural laboratories’. This is because they offer good opportunities to ...
In this video, Associate Professor Stephen Wing, from the University of Otago, talks about how our understanding of food webs has changed over the years. We now have a much better understanding ...
Sea stars have many weird and wonderful adaptations including both sexual and asexual reproduction. Click on any of the labels in this interactive to view short video clips or images to learn ...
Sea stars have many weird and wonderful adaptations - including some unusual internal systems. Click on any of the labels in this interactive to view short video clips or images to learn more.
Dr Candida Savage explains the clues she collects in estuaries and fiords, to understand how changes in land use affect these environments.