By comparing some features of fossilised plants with the same features of plants living today, scientists hope to be able to learn more about the effect of changing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in ...
Search data from NASA’s Kepler spacecraft for the dips in star light intensity caused by exoplanets – planets that orbit stars other than the Sun. As these exoplanets pass between the star and ...
This comprehensive worldwide online citizen science (OCS) project collates bird species, numbers, locations and times of sightings into a large database. You can create a class as a user and, by ...
Citizen science and the local community Rongomai Primary School is leading a Healthy Homes, Healthy Futures project. The project is part of the Participatory Science Platform (PSP) programme ...
Since their discovery by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, microorganisms have been found in almost every environment on earth. Microorganisms are capable of causing disease but are also used to make ...
Citizen scientists are volunteers who participate in scientific projects. They work in partnership with scientists to answer interesting and relevant questions. When involved in environmental ...
Can we make New Zealand pest-free? Lesson 5: Evaluate: So what? Urban ecosanctuary ZEALANDIA, with support from WWF New Zealand, has produced a comprehensive teaching resource supporting schools ...
Specialised microscopes allow us to view an object’s surface and its internal structures to build up 3D images from thin 2D slices and to look much more closely than we ever have before. In this ...
Quadrats are used for sampling purposes. They are squares of a set size placed in a particular habitat such as a rocky shore or forest floor. Plant and/or animal species within the quadrat are ...
In this online PD session recorded on 30 July 2015, primary school teacher Angela Schipper describes how she used Butterflies from the Science Learning Hub in the classroom. In particular, Angela ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation unpack conservation education and: introduce some exciting DOC resources aimed ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub and Adrienne De Melo and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation share the many learning ...
Professors Jane Francis and Matt Huber explain how fossilised plants are one of several proxies used to form a picture of past climates and ecosystems.
The Jean Malpas Community Nursery is part of community efforts to reintroduce native plants to Central Otago. Meet passionate conservationists Neill and Barb Simpson and learn more about their ...
E whakamārama ana a Georgia, tētahi o kā ākoka ki Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepoti, me pēhea te whakarite i te tārore pepe tuna Heath, ki te whakamanea, ki te hopu i kā pepe tuna. English ...
Select here for the best view of this interactive timeline. It combines the Rongomai School healthy homes investigation with the nature of science.
This slideshow allows students to consider some of the pros and cons of various methods of predator control.
This interactive timeline highlights how students investigating the Oruarangi Stream engaged with the nature of science.