E 425,000 kiromata te roa o ngā awa me ngā kōawa i Aotearoa hei tiaki mā tātou. E whakatūria ana ngā rōpū tiaki rauwiringa wai, huri i te motu, hei tiaki i ngā arawai, i ngā maunga tae atu ki te ...
As New Zealanders looking to the future, we are faced with many opportunities – and challenges. These include improving the health of all our people, advancing our economic growth, protecting our ...
Riffles, pools, reaches, rapids, waterfalls, glides, eddies, meanders, overhangs and undercuts – there’s more to a stream than just water. Streams are smaller water bodies, characterised by ...
In this activity, students consider short-term and long-term responses to an environmental disaster such as the Rena. By the end of this activity, students should be able to: describe what might ...
In this activity, students discuss how a variety of everyday objects can serve as metaphors for the important characteristics and functions of estuaries. By the end of this activity, students ...
In this activity, students take on the role of a stakeholder in New Zealand fisheries. In their role, they decide whether they agree or disagree with the statement ‘there are plenty of fish in ...
The Great Kererū Count is New Zealand’s biggest citizen science project to help gather information on the abundance and distribution of the endemic New Zealand pigeon. The 2020 count takes place ...
This comprehensive worldwide online citizen science (OCS) project collates bird species, numbers, locations and times of sightings into a large database. You can create a class as a user and, by ...
Globe at Night is an international citizen science campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen scientists to measure and submit their night sky ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation unpack conservation education and: introduce some exciting DOC resources aimed ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub and Adrienne De Melo and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation share the many learning ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Greta Dromgool from the Science Learning Hub and Ben Moorhouse from the Department of Conservation share their excitement about environmental ...
Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman discusses the problem with culverts that disconnect habitats of fish from the main river. She describes the use of fish ramps and baffles and how they ...
Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman explains why some plants are considered pest plants within the Waikato River catchment. These plants invade the catchment area and often compete with ...
Weno Iti, Apanui Skipper and Andrew Swales talk about research they undertook for the toolkit. They describe their collaboration with iwi and their learning from them that resulted in an ...
Tirohia ngā rautaki e ora tonu ai ngā arawai mō ērā kei te taha whakararo o te wai me ngā ika taketake, waihoki ka whaihua hoki ngā pāmu, e kore ai hoki e heke iho ngā putanga.
This interactive looks at some of the measures you can take to look after your local stream – because if you’re looking after your local stream, you’re looking after our endangered native fish!
Ko tā te ngohe nei, he aro ake ki ētahi mahi hei tiaki i tō kōawa nō te mea, ki te tiaki koe i tō kōawa, e tiaki ana koe i ngā ika taketake e korehāhā haere nei!