Dr Ross Monaghan, Dr Selai Letica, Professor Richard McDowell and other scientists from AgResearch at Invermay are researching how to reduce excessive levels of nutrients in soil on farms. Excess ...
Silage is preserved pasture. Making silage is an important way for farmers to feed cows and sheep during times when pasture isn't good, such as the dry season. Find out how silage is made below ...
In 2002 and 2003, research conducted by Lincoln University's Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) with focus groups found out what New Zealanders think about using genetically modified ...
Students use a three-level reading guide strategy to locate, interpret and apply the information to consider the role of research in finding easy care sheep traits. Purpose Students engage with ...
Students consider the harms and benefits (consequences) of easy care sheep breeding. Purpose Students use a round robin activity and PMI worksheets to generate ideas about the effect of selective ...
In this activity, students learn about the contents of a cell. They explore some of the main organelles within a cell using the analogy of a school, an online interactive and/or by making ...
Earthworms are useful indicators of soil health. This project aims to capture information on earthworm abundance and species distribution throughout New Zealand. Information provided will be used ...
Students investigate silage production and test a stream to see if run-off from silage is polluting it. Students then produce a pamphlet of their findings to educate the community. Purpose To ...
This case study was based on a biotechnology unit that focused on investigating silage and the possible effects of run-off on a small rural stream. This case study explores why this was an ...
A Year 9 class visited a local lavender farm as part of a biotechnology unit investigating the production, packaging and marketing of lavender oil for aromatherapy. The purpose of the field trip ...
Dr Ross Monaghan from AgResearch at Invermay in Otago talks about various practices that can be employed to manage nutrient losses from becoming a problem on farmland.
Breeds of sheep evolved from the time when sheep were first domesticated. Dr David Scobie explains how some individual breeds of sheep were first created with distinctive characteristics to suit ...
This animated video shows how the molecular structure of milk changes at various stages of cheese making.
This interactive explains the first steps in the process of making traditional Gouda cheese. Find out more about the final steps in the cheese making process in this related interactive.
This interactive explains the final processes involved in making traditional Gouda cheese. Find out more about the initial steps in the cheese making process in this related interactive.
This interactive shows some processes for managing cheese quality in traditional Gouda cheese production.