We live in a fast-changing world. We often hear that innovation is what’s needed to address the global challenges and local issues that we’re facing, to seize new and unexpected opportunities as ...
Plant propagation is the process of increasing the number of plants of a particular species or cultivar. Propagation can be via sexual or asexual means. Over the years, horticulturalists have ...
All tea is made from the leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. Six main types of tea are produced – white, yellow, green, oolong, black and post-fermented. Each type of tea has a unique ...
Dr Mark Goodwin of Plant & Food Research explains what artificial pollination is and why it is needed for kiwifruit. Some work of the company PollenPlus is shown, including their QuadDuster ...
Hunting, trapping and poisons are the three most commonly used methods of mammalian pest control in New Zealand. Each method has benefits and limitations. Extensive research is focused on ...
At Zealong, they propagate new tea plants using cuttings to ensure genetic consistency and consistency in taste and quality. It takes 3–4 years from taking the cutting until the plant is mature ...
The marshmallow challenge is an ideal introduction to several key aspects of innovation – idea generation, collaboration, creativity and teamwork. It‘s a simple experiential activity where teams ...
Plastics have changed the way we live. They’ve revolutionised how we preserve food and store liquids, how we move and even how we dress. Plastic products are durable, lightweight and resist ...
This resource provides explanations of the key terms encountered when exploring Innovation. Some of these terms are complex to explain clearly and concisely. We’ve provided these explanations to ...
The biospife – a novel tool produced through a partnership between ZESPRI and Scion – is made from bioplastic material that incorporates kiwifruit residues. It’s designed to be composted along ...
This interactive groups Hub resources into key science and teaching concepts.
Where can a question take you? For Sue Fergus and her students at Taranaki’s Toko School, questions about candle scents and what to do with lavender plants led to a Curious Minds Participatory ...
Innovation can be described as the result of the creative process of turning an idea into an outcome that creates value for people. Innovation tends to be customer-focused, providing a new ...
Both human and laboratory-based tests are used to measure how quickly energy is released from a food. Carbohydrates for energy Carbohydrates are the most common source of energy in our diet. They ...
This engaging video conveys key aspects of innovation for students. It explores the meaning and the process of innovation, why it’s important for New Zealand and how skills and attitudes needed ...
The dairy sector is big business in Aotearoa New Zealand. The first refrigerated exports began in 1882 with a 98-day journey to ship milk and butter to England. Dairy and transport technologies ...
When St Francis Xavier Catholic School decided on the theme ‘Innovation’ as a whole-school science and technology focus, year 3 teacher Jo Collyer began searching for relevant teaching resources ...
The value of the horticultural industry will increase with better pollination systems, robust quality control, better traceability systems, more cost-competitive practice and solutions for the ...
Alistair Mowat of ZESPRI perceives innovation as a process of developing solutions to address needs and opportunities of consumers. Alistair discusses how the role of an innovator differs from ...
Scientists have a new tool in their kit for counting populations of penguins in Antarctica. An international team has published a paper about using very high-resolution satellite imagery for the ...
We hear the word ‘innovation’ used a lot today, but it is often used to mean different things. In this activity, students clarify their understanding of innovation by exploring how it is ...
Simon Feasey and Iain Hosie, Revolution Fibres, explain the process of electrospinning nanofibres. Jargon alert Taylor cone: the characteristic droplet shape formed by fluid on the tip of the ...
Animals from bees to bats are inspiring the new generation of drones or flying robots, and large military strike drones aside, the robots themselves are getting smaller, with microdrones the size ...
New Zealand has one of the fastest growing biotechnology industries in the world. What does this mean for our economy, employment, and research? The biotech boom Biotechnology is booming in New ...