Position: Senior research scientist, Plant & Food Research. Field: Phytochemical antioxidants. David was born in England and attended Wallington High School, near London, where he discovered ...
Scientists conduct investigations for all kinds of reasons. They may want to explore new ideas, gather evidence or prove or disprove previous results. Although scientists must follow certain ...
In this activity, students can test their knowledge of freshwater fish online or in a paper-based quiz. The quiz can be used as an introductory tool to gauge students’ prior knowledge, as a ...
In this activity, students consider some of the ethical issues involved with keeping earthworms (and other animals) captive in a classroom setting. By the end of this activity, students should be ...
Instant Wild is an initiative by the Zoological Society of London. Photos or videos of animals are recorded using hidden cameras in a range of worldwide locations. The aim is to increase the ...
Although invisible to the naked eye, marine microbes drift continually in our ocean systems, quietly consuming up to 50% of the Earth’s CO2 through photosynthesis and producing nearly as much ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Lyn Rogers and guest Aliki Weststrate from GNS Science explore some of the science involved in building our understandings of natural hazards ...
Science fairs have the potential to be a rich learning experience, bringing out the very best of student creativity and curiosity. Often they are fraught with sighs, nervousness and unsupportive ...
Earthworms are of interest to most children, are easily accessible and are an animal species easily kept in the classroom for short periods of time. This makes them ideal subjects for exploring ...
Dr Ashley Rowden, of NIWA, believes we have an obligation to document our biodiversity and to protect and conserve it. Cold-seep communities are special habitats consisting of unique organisms ...
Plant & Food Research’s Dr David Stevenson explains what free radicals are and how they are produced. He outlines the role of cellular structures called mitochondria in the production of free ...
Researcher Cheri van Schravendijk-Goodman discusses the problem with culverts that disconnect habitats of fish from the main river. She describes the use of fish ramps and baffles and how they ...
Tirohia ngā rautaki e ora tonu ai ngā arawai mō ērā kei te taha whakararo o te wai me ngā ika taketake, waihoki ka whaihua hoki ngā pāmu, e kore ai hoki e heke iho ngā putanga.
Select here for the best view of this interactive timeline. It combines the Rongomai School healthy homes investigation with the nature of science.
Test your knowledge New Zealand's freshwater fish with this quiz.