The haukāinga (local residents) of the Rotorua area – Te Arawa, Tūhourangi and Ngāti Wāhiao – have lived in this highly active geothermal region for generations. The unique geology of the area ...
Scientists think that about 14 billion years ago (that is a 14 followed by 9 zeros), this universe came into being through the Big Bang. This is described in the Big Bang theory. It is thought ...
Adam Vonk is a sedimentary geologist who is just about to finish his PhD at the University of Waikato to take up a new position as a petroleum geologist in Perth, Australia. In his work, Adam has ...
In this activity, students view the interactive Calcination – lime from limestone, which shows the industrial processing of limestone into lime, and use the information to complete a matching ...
In this activity, students investigate some of the physical, chemical and physiological properties of carbon dioxide gas. In addition, a model demonstrating the amount of carbon dioxide in the ...
In this activity, students view the interactive Limestone’s secrets revealed and then answer graded sets of questions based on the content of the video clips from the interactive. By the end of ...
In this recorded professional learning session, Lyn Rogers and guest Aliki Weststrate from GNS Science explore some of the science involved in building our understandings of natural hazards ...
Long ago, according to the legend of Māui, the Sun was the focus of attention. People wanted more daylight and warmth to get their jobs done. Māui schemed to harness the Sun. Scientists today ...
In the primary classroom, even though teachers and students generally spend the day together, it cannot be assumed that students will experience their learning as coherent, connected or ...
Rotorua is world famous for its geothermal features. For generations, local Māori used the hot pools with little impact on the natural system. As Rotorua’s population grew, unsustainable amounts ...
In this video, educator Angela Schipper demonstrates how to build a model of an aquifer – a layer of rock or other material that carries water underground. This is an excellent activity that ...
Peter Hall from Scion explains why we need large quantities of carbon neutral energy. Energy is everywhere. Anything we eat or use has energy embodied in it. Every object we produce required ...
In this interactive, learn about limestone’s origins, formation, properties and uses with geologists Professor Cam Nelson and Dr Steve Hood. Given limestone’s many uses and applications its ...
Lime, produced by calcining limestone, plays a key role in a multitude of industrial, manufacturing and agricultural processes. This interactive outlines the process steps taken at the McDonald’s ...
This is the slideshow that supports the Exploring natural hazards PLD webinar.