Observation is something we often do instinctively. Observation helps us decide whether it’s safe to cross the road and helps to determine if cupcakes are ready to come out of the oven ...
Sometimes we assume that students will learn about the nature of science just by doing scientific investigations. This is no more valid than assuming a student will learn about photosynthesis by ...
This substrand of the nature of science in the New Zealand curriculum document is the nuts and bolts of the nature of science. It is about science as a way of thinking. It is about scientific ...
Continually, there are right and wrong messages about the nature of science in our classroom teaching and in popular media. In this activity, students view two video clips that highlight how ...
In this activity, students determine the contents of a ‘mystery’ box by making observations but without opening it, and parallels are drawn between this activity and aspects of the nature of ...
In this activity, students assemble a tangram as a square and then reassemble the tangram incorporating an additional piece they are given. Parallels are drawn to particular aspects of the nature ...
When well managed, class discussion can help students examine, evaluate and share knowledge about a subject, providing opportunities for students to think critically and creatively, consider ...
This unit plan is designed for students in years 6-8. When someone mentions the word ‘butterfly’, what image pops into your head? Chances are it’s the monarch or the white butterfly, as these are ...
In this online professional development session recorded on 23 June 2016, Andrea Soanes from the Science Learning Hub explores the new-look SLH website with a secondary school focus. Learn how to ...
Dr Robert Hoare, of Landcare Research NZ Ltd, takes us on a moth-collecting expedition. Join Dr Hoare as he goes out at night to collect moths for scientific study.
Fast skinks are assumed to be more able to escape from predators, find a mate and find food. In this video clip, Dr Kelly Hare, from the University of Otago, talks about measuring the sprint ...
Dr Mike Williams from NIWA explains why it is difficult to explain where the icebergs originated from that were sighted off the Otago coast.
Sea stars have many weird and wonderful adaptations including both sexual and asexual reproduction. Click on any of the labels in this interactive to view short video clips or images to learn ...
Sea stars have many weird and wonderful adaptations - including some unusual internal systems. Click on any of the labels in this interactive to view short video clips or images to learn more.
This slideshow, from the webinar Inquiry outside the classroom, provides additional support for the video tutorial.