This comprehensive worldwide online citizen science (OCS) project collates bird species, numbers, locations and times of sightings into a large database. You can create a class as a user and, by ...
This New Zealand-based citizen science project aims to collect data about the types and numbers of common garden birds in our own backyard. This is done once annually during a particular window ...
Taking part in this project helps scientists and conservationists know more about the habits of kea. Where are they? How far do they travel? Do they get around in groups? Logging sighting ...
This topic planner offers suggested pathways through some of the flight resources on the Science Learning Hub and connects to relevant programmes offered by the Royal Albatross Education Centre ...
New Zealand is well known for its unique bird life. Our endemic birds evolved in an isolated, island environment. The arrival of people, the deliberate and accidental introduction of mammalian ...
In this online PD session recorded on 15 October 2015, primary school teacher Kim MacPherson talks about the Science Learning Hub’s resources – Conserving native birds – and how she used a ...
Massey University senior lecturer Dr Phil Battley shares his amazing discovery that godwits make the longest non-stop flight of any migrating bird in the world. He also shares his concerns for ...
Massey University’s Dr Phil Battley describes godwits in flight including flapping ability, speed, flying altitudes, streamlining, time taken for non-stop flight and V-formation flight Point of ...
Plant & Food Research’s Dr David Stevenson explains what free radicals are and how they are produced. He outlines the role of cellular structures called mitochondria in the production of free ...
Different wing sizes and shapes allow fliers to have specific flight capabilities. Match birds and aircraft with similar capabilities.
This slideshow allows students to consider some of the pros and cons of various methods of predator control.
This slideshow, from the webinar Making sense of data, provides additional support for the video tutorial.