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  • Rivers and Us is a Waikato Regional Council (WRC) initiative to help teachers, students and communities investigate the water in their local area. It explores how people use water and the effects of these uses on water quality.

    About Rivers and Us

    Rivers and Us is underpinned by the key dimensions of environmental education:

    • Education in the environment – using water monitoring and other outdoor activities to develop science capabilities.
    • Education about the environment – developing scientific content knowledge.
    • Education for the environment – engaging with science to take action as part of the local curriculum.

    Integrated throughout Rivers and Us are key aims of environmental education:

    • Kaitiakitanga – awareness and sensitivity to the environment and related issues.
    • Knowledge and understanding of the environment and the impact of people on it – including mātauranga Māori.
    • Attitudes and values that reflect feelings of concern for the environment.
    • Skills (capabilities) involved in identifying, investigating and problem solving.
    • A sense of responsibility through participation and action.

    Science concepts and curriculum links

    The resources featured in Rivers and Us explore Planet Earth and Beyond and Living World concepts:

    • The Earth has a limited amount of freshwater, and it is continuously recycled.
    • Water goes through physical changes as it moves through the water cycle. The changes are powered by heat from the Sun.
    • River catchments are part of the water cycle.
    • Natural features can be changed by human actions.
    • Earth’s resources are affected by human actions.
    • Living things are suited to their particular environment.
    • Living things depend on each other and on the environment in which they live.
    • Changes in any part of an environment affect the relationships between the plants and animals that live there.
    • Changes in any part of an environment can hinder or improve the chances of some species surviving.

    Freshwater monitoring

    Rivers and Us includes an emphasis on freshwater monitoring and taking action to protect/enhance water quality in your local area. Monitoring stream health takes you step by step through water quality monitoring and assessment. Ideally, students will use this data to inform subsequent action.

    Resources to support learning

    The Hub has created a suite of wraparound resources for teaching Rivers and Us:

    WRC Rivers and Us resources in downloadable PDF format:

    Related content

    In this recorded webinar Alex Daniel from the Waikato Regional Council shares her approach to planning for a successful stream monitoring experience.

    Tōku awa koiora – introduction curates resources about the Waikato River ecosystems and the iwi, researchers and scientists who are working to restore and protect the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River.

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    This article has been developed in partnership with the Waikato Regional Council as part of the Rivers and Us resource.

      Published 3 March 2020 Referencing Hub articles
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