In this online PD session recorded on 27 August 2015, secondary teacher Steve Chrystall talks about the Science Learning Hub’s light and sight resources and how he used them to teach year 9 and 10 students.
Primary teacher Miel MacLean then describes how she adapted the same resources for her year 5 and 6 students.
Thank you! Great to see how others have used resources in classroom.
This PLD session was based on the legacy Science Learning Hub however all the resources are still available on the new-look Science Learning Hub site.
See link above to view the video of this professional development session (we recommend downloading the video) and also links below to download the PowerPoint presentation.
Thanks for dark box – some great ideas – often can't do some of those dark room activities – thanks Steve.
The following activities were discussed in this session:
- Investigating reflection
- Pinhole cameras and eyes
- Investigating refraction and spearfishing
- Light and sight: true or false?
- Angle of refraction calculator challenge
- Alternative conceptions about light
- Satellite communications
- Investigating satellite dishes
Topic | PowerPoint slide number(s) | Video timecode |
About the Science Learning Hub and introducing the speakers | 2 | 00:16 |
Steve Chrystall - finding the Light and Sight Context through search | 3 | 01:10 |
Landing page for Light and Sight | 4 | 02:07 |
Scientists for Light and Sight | 5 | 02:31 |
Research articles | 6 | 03:37 |
How we see 3D – video | 7 | 03:53 |
Student activity – Light and sight: true or false | 8–11 | 06:03 |
Teacher resource – Alternative conceptions about light | 12 | 07:49 |
Demonstration – making a dark box |
| 08:21 |
Student activity – Investigating reflection | 13–16 | 08:35 |
Demonstration – colour and reflected light |
| 09:38 |
Demonstration – blended colour |
| 10:34 |
Student activity – Investigating refraction and spearfishing | 17–20 | 12:30 |
Demonstration – refraction bowl |
| 12:36 |
Student activity – Pinhole cameras and eyes | 21–24 | 15:23 |
Demonstration – pinhole camera |
| 16:01 |
Student activity – Investigating satellite dishes | 25–27 | 21:22 |
Science ideas and concepts – Satellite communications | 28 | 22:20 |
Science ideas and concepts articles for Light and Sight | 29 | 22:37 |
Miel MacLean – teaching Light and Sight to a year 5 and 6 class | 30–42 | 23:04 |
Order promotional material, SLH links, thanks | 43–44 | 34:01 |
Activity idea
Miel used a planning template to create the unit plan that was featured in this PD session. Go to the Planning template for teaching science for the two-part science planning template that has been designed to help teachers move from simply planning activities for students to do, to planning what and how students will learn through a coherent series of tasks.