Are you looking for ways to teach forces? If you’re new to the Science Learning Hub, you may want to start with our introductory video on teaching physics. Alternatively, use the links below to ...
Many resources on the Science Learning Hub explore ideas relating to the Physical World strand in the NZC. This online PLD session recorded on 11 March 2015 shows primary teachers how to navigate ...
The Science Learning Hub has lots of resources for primary teachers related to the night sky in the Planet Earth and Beyond strand of the New Zealand Curriculum. The night sky is fascinating to ...
A satellite is anything that orbits around another object. Moons are natural satellites that orbit around planets, whereas artificial satellites are objects that people have made and launched ...
Astronomers studying space have two big problems: A lot of things in space seem invisible – they do not give out light we can see. Scientists cannot leave the Earth to go and collect pieces of ...
Hundreds of extrasolar planets (around other stars) have been found using several methods, including transit, ‘wobble’ and microlensing. New Zealand scientists are part of the hunt for extrasolar ...
In this activity, students view a slide show presentation introducing some rockets, their purposes and distances travelled in space. By the end of this activity, students should be able to ...
In this activity, students explore the transit method of searching for planets. They plot graphs of light measurements from stars, searching for dimming that indicates the presence of a planet ...
The light of the electromagnetic spectrum is the key to finding out about space without leaving Earth. Using a telescope to study the different wavelengths of light given off by an object in ...
Dr Allan McInnes and Dr Adrian McDonald, from the University of Canterbury, explain how gravity and projectile motion keep natural and artificial satellites in an orbital path.
Dr Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, from Victoria University of Wellington, describes what black holes are. She also explains the importance to radio astronomers of black holes at the centres of galaxy ...
Dr Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, from Victoria University of Wellington, explains the difference between planets and stars, and the place of the Solar System in our galaxy.
The size, orbit and design of a satellite depend on its purpose. In this interactive, scientists discuss the functions of various satellites and orbits. Accompanying fact files provide ...
Watch this animation of Mars that shows all the major features of the Martian topography.
This slideshow introduces a selection of rockets, their purposes and distances travelled in space.