Plant & Food Research is the New Zealand Crown research institute responsible for the research and development that adds value to vegetable, fruit, crop and food products. Their research ...
Marine collagen in hoki skin has particular properties that Plant & Food Research scientists can exploit for electrospinning. Listen to this RNZ audio: Adding value to hoki skin to discover ...
The Kiwi Innovation Network (KiwiNet) is a network of public research organisations who collaborate to commercialise science to grow the New Zealand economy. Commercialising science can include ...
In this activity, students develop their knowledge of food and product development to produce a snack bar for a specific target market. The purpose is to make an appealing snack bar while ...
Students develop knowledge of prototype taewa products and design a label that reflects the cultural value and specified market for the product. Purpose Understand the attributes and benefits of ...
In this unit, students will consider the performance properties of new stab and flame-resistant fabric and design protective wear for new market opportunities. Purpose To investigate the ...
Students develop their knowledge to design a disposable product as a sustainable alternative to an existing product. Purpose To understand why increasing use of non-degradable materials is not ...
What can 3D microscopy and chromatography techniques tell you about starch? And how can this knowledge help design the perfect snack bar?
Using vegetable materials to make new foods like healthy snack bars can lead to unwanted colours, tastes or smells. How are scientists at Plant & Food Research tackling these problems?
Some fibres in vegetable material can cause farting. What are the two ways that scientists at Plant & Food Research are using to remove these fart factors? Do you think scientists should ...
This interactive explains the first steps in the process of making traditional Gouda cheese. Find out more about the final steps in the cheese making process in this related interactive.
This interactive explains the final processes involved in making traditional Gouda cheese. Find out more about the initial steps in the cheese making process in this related interactive.
This interactive shows some processes for managing cheese quality in traditional Gouda cheese production.