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  • In this activity, students build their own food web using images of organisms from the marine ecosystem. This activity can be done indoors on paper or outdoors on a tarmac surface using chalk.

    By the end of this activity, students should be able to:

    • understand the difference between a food chain and a food web
    • understand that food webs are made up of producers, consumers and decomposers
    • build and revise their own food web to show the interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem
    • understand the potential impact of the removal or reduction of one species on the rest of the food web.

    Download the Word file (see link below) for:

    • introduction/ background notes
    • what you need
    • what to do
    • discussion questions
    • possible variations
    • student worksheet
    • trophic pyramid diagram
    • tuna sandwich diagram (transfer of energy)
    • organism cards (small)
    • organism cards (large).

    My kids have been making arrows to add to a poster of a foodweb and are then going to teach the lesson to another group within the class, they love the fact they are teaching others.

    Year 5/6 teacher

    Useful links

    These two websites have more information about common student alternative conceptions related to food webs.

    Science Continuum

    Binghamton University

      Published 12 October 2009 Referencing Hub articles
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